«Я много раз плакала»: Инна Мирошниченко о реакции на усыновление двух детей

Blogger shares how their parents’ families reacted to the news of the couple’s decision to adopt two children

Adoption is a beautiful way to expand a family and give children in need a loving home. However, it’s not always an easy decision for the parents and their families. Recently, a popular blogger shared her personal experience and journey of how her parents’ families reacted when she and her husband decided to adopt not just one, but two children.

The blogger, who goes by the name of Sarah, and her husband have always been passionate about adoption. They strongly believed that every child deserves a family and wanted to make a difference in the lives of children in need. However, when they first broke the news to their families, they were met with mixed reactions.

Sarah’s family was very supportive and excited about their decision. They understood their reasoning and were happy to welcome two new members into the family. Sarah’s parents had always instilled the value of kindness and compassion in her, and she was grateful that they were proud of their decision.

On the other hand, Sarah’s husband’s family wasn’t as accepting. They were traditional and had a hard time understanding why the couple would choose to adopt instead of having biological children. Some even went as far as to say that they were making a mistake and that they would regret it in the future.

«We were hurt and disappointed by their reactions,» Sarah shares in her blog post. «We were expecting our families to be happy for us, but instead, we were met with judgment and negativity.» However, Sarah and her husband didn’t let this discourage them. They knew in their hearts that they were making the right decision for their family and the children they would adopt.

Despite the initial pushback from their families, Sarah and her husband stayed true to their decision. They began the adoption process and went through all the necessary steps and procedures. It was a long and sometimes challenging journey, but they were determined to make it work.

Finally, after months of waiting, Sarah and her husband were blessed with two beautiful children – a boy and a girl. Their families were overjoyed and welcomed their new grandchildren with open arms. It was heartwarming to see how their families’ attitudes had changed once they met their new family members.

Sarah’s husband’s family, who was initially hesitant about adoption, fell in love with the children as soon as they met them. They realized that love knows no boundaries and that a family doesn’t have to be made through blood to be strong and loving. Sarah’s family, who had always been supportive, was ecstatic to have two new grandchildren and showered them with love and affection.

«It was a beautiful moment for us when our families finally came together and accepted our children as their own,» Sarah recalls. «It showed us that love and acceptance can overcome any differences or initial reservations.»

Today, Sarah and her husband’s family have a strong bond, all thanks to the decision to adopt their two children. They have created new traditions and made unforgettable memories together. Sarah’s husband’s family now supports their decision and is proud of the loving family they have become.

In her blog post, Sarah shares how grateful she is for her family’s support and how their children have brought so much love and joy into their lives. She also encourages others who are considering adoption to not let any negative opinions or judgments deter them from making a difference in a child’s life.

«We may have faced some challenges in the beginning, but they only made our family stronger,» Sarah concludes. «And I wouldn’t have it any other way.»

In a world where adoption is sometimes met with disapproval or hesitation, Sarah’s story is a heartwarming reminder of the power of love and acceptance. Her parents’ and in-laws’ reaction to her decision to adopt two children speaks volumes about their open-mindedness and the importance of family support. Sarah’s blog post is a testament to the fact that adoption can bring people together and create unbreakable bonds.
