«Он не может приехать в Украину»: известная актриса о своем женихе

Daria Petrozhitskaya, also known as «Papik», is a young woman who has been working as a nurse in the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) during the ongoing war in Eastern Ukraine. Despite the difficult circumstances, she remains grateful for the opportunity to serve her country and is looking forward to her future with optimism.

Daria’s story is one of courage and determination. She joined the UAF in 2014, at the age of 21, when the conflict in Eastern Ukraine was just beginning. As a nurse, she has been on the front lines, providing medical assistance to soldiers and civilians who have been affected by the war.

«I am proud to be a part of the UAF and to have the chance to make a difference in this difficult time for our country,» Daria says. «I have always wanted to help people, and being a nurse in the army has given me the opportunity to do just that.»

Daria’s dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed. She has received numerous awards and commendations for her service, including the Order of Merit from the Ukrainian government. But for Daria, the most rewarding aspect of her job is the gratitude she receives from the soldiers she has helped.

«I have seen firsthand the sacrifices that our soldiers make every day, and it is an honor to be able to support them in any way I can,» she says. «Their strength and bravery inspire me to keep going, even in the most challenging situations.»

Despite the constant danger and uncertainty, Daria remains positive and hopeful for the future. She recently announced that she and her fiancé, Alexey, will be getting married after the war is over.

«We have been together for five years, and we have been through a lot together,» Daria shares. «But we have decided to wait until after the war to have our wedding. We want to celebrate our love in a time of peace and happiness, not amidst the chaos of war.»

Daria also credits the UAF for giving her the opportunity to continue working and supporting her family during the war. She comes from a small village in Western Ukraine, and her parents are both retired. Without her job in the army, she would not have been able to provide for them and her younger brother.

«I am grateful to the UAF for giving me a stable job and a sense of purpose during this difficult time,» Daria says. «I know that many people in my village are struggling, and I am fortunate to be able to support my family and contribute to my community.»

Daria’s positive attitude and determination to make a difference have made her a role model for many young women in Ukraine. She encourages others to join the army and serve their country, especially during this time of need.

«I want to show that women can be just as strong and capable as men in the military,» she says. «I hope that my story will inspire other women to join the UAF and make a difference in our country.»

As the war in Eastern Ukraine continues, Daria remains committed to her job and her country. She believes that with the support of the UAF and the determination of its soldiers, Ukraine will overcome this difficult time and emerge stronger than ever.

«I am proud to be a part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and I will continue to serve my country with all my heart,» Daria says. «I am grateful for the opportunity to make a difference, and I am confident that we will achieve victory and peace in the end.»
