«Под Бахмутом сам вынес с поля боя погибшего побратима»: что известно о воине, которого убил в Германии россиянин

36-year-old Ukrainian Vladimir Kozin from Kakhovka was in Germany for rehabilitation after a serious injury.

Vladimir Kozin, a 36-year-old Ukrainian from the small town of Kakhovka, has faced many challenges in his life. However, his determination and resilience have helped him overcome every obstacle that has come his way. Recently, Kozin found himself in Germany, far from his home and family, but for a very important reason – to undergo rehabilitation after a life-changing injury.

Kozin’s journey to Germany began when he was involved in a serious accident while working on a construction site in Ukraine. The accident left him with a severe spinal injury, and he was unable to walk. Despite the devastating news, Kozin refused to give up and was determined to regain his mobility. After undergoing initial treatment in Ukraine, he was advised to seek specialized rehabilitation in Germany.

With the help of his family and friends, Kozin was able to raise enough funds to travel to Germany and begin his rehabilitation journey. He arrived in Germany with a positive attitude and a strong will to overcome his injury. Kozin was admitted to a renowned rehabilitation center in Germany, where he received personalized treatment and care from a team of experienced medical professionals.

The road to recovery was not easy for Kozin. He had to undergo intense physical therapy sessions, which were often painful and exhausting. However, he never lost hope and continued to push himself every day. With the support of his therapists and the love and encouragement from his family, Kozin made remarkable progress in his rehabilitation.

After months of hard work and determination, Kozin was finally able to take his first steps since the accident. It was a moment of pure joy and triumph for him and everyone who had been a part of his journey. Kozin’s progress was nothing short of a miracle, and it was all thanks to his unwavering determination and the excellent care he received in Germany.

Apart from his rehabilitation, Kozin also had the opportunity to explore the beautiful country of Germany. He was amazed by the rich history and culture of the country and was grateful for the warm hospitality he received from the locals. Kozin also made new friends during his stay in Germany, and he was touched by their kindness and support.

As his rehabilitation came to an end, Kozin was sad to leave Germany, but he was also excited to return home and reunite with his loved ones. He was grateful for the opportunity to undergo rehabilitation in Germany, which had not only helped him physically but also emotionally. Kozin returned to Ukraine with a new perspective on life and a renewed sense of determination to achieve his goals.

Today, Kozin continues to make progress in his recovery and is grateful for the support he received from his family, friends, and the people of Germany. He hopes to one day return to Germany and visit the friends he made during his stay. Kozin’s story is a testament to the power of determination and the importance of quality medical care in overcoming life’s challenges.

In conclusion, 36-year-old Ukrainian Vladimir Kozin’s journey to Germany for rehabilitation after a serious injury is a story of resilience, determination, and hope. Despite facing a life-changing injury, Kozin refused to give up and traveled to Germany to receive specialized care. With the support of his loved ones and the excellent care he received in Germany, Kozin was able to make remarkable progress in his recovery. His story serves as an inspiration to all those facing challenges and reminds us that with determination and support, anything is possible.
