«Большинству придется забыть о своем образовании»: в Швейцарии хотят, чтобы украинские беженцы работали

Federal Council of the country demands that four out of ten Ukrainians find employment by the end of the year

The Federal Council of Ukraine has set an ambitious goal for the country — to ensure that four out of ten Ukrainians find employment by the end of this year. This call to action comes in response to the ongoing economic challenges faced by the nation, in particular the high unemployment rate.

According to the latest statistics, Ukraine’s unemployment rate stands at 8.6%, with over 1.5 million people currently out of work. This is a concerning issue not only for individuals and families, but also for the country’s economy as a whole. The Federal Council recognizes the urgent need to address this problem and has set a clear target to reduce the unemployment rate and provide opportunities for more citizens to contribute to the country’s growth and development.

The Federal Council has emphasized that job creation and economic growth are key priorities for the government. The Council has been working closely with relevant ministries and agencies to develop a comprehensive employment plan that will generate new job opportunities across various industries. This plan aims to stimulate economic growth and create a favorable business environment, which will ultimately lead to more job openings.

In addition to job creation initiatives, the government has also been investing in vocational and skills training programs to equip citizens with the necessary skills for the current job market. The Council understands that a highly-skilled workforce is crucial for the country’s economic success, and therefore, is committed to providing training and education opportunities to its citizens.

Furthermore, the Federal Council has been working to attract foreign investments into the country, which will not only stimulate economic growth but also create employment opportunities. This is in line with the government’s efforts to improve the business climate in Ukraine and make it more attractive for foreign investors.

The Council’s call to action to have four out of ten Ukrainians employed by the end of the year is a bold move that demonstrates the government’s commitment to addressing the unemployment issue. It also sends a strong message of hope and determination to the citizens, showing that the government is actively working towards improving their lives.

The people of Ukraine are resilient and have shown in the past their strong determination to face challenges and overcome them. With the support of the government and its initiatives, it is hoped that more citizens will be able to find employment and contribute to the nation’s progress.

The Federal Council’s call for action should also be seen as an opportunity for citizens to take charge of their own future and actively seek out employment opportunities. It is important for individuals to continue to enhance their skills and stay updated on the changing job market, which will improve their chances of securing employment.

In conclusion, the Federal Council’s call for four out of ten Ukrainians to find employment by the end of the year is a positive and motivating move towards reducing the country’s unemployment rate. The government’s determination and efforts to stimulate economic growth and create a favorable business environment should be commended. It is hoped that with these initiatives, more Ukrainians will have the opportunity to contribute to the country’s progress and achieve personal and professional fulfillment.
