Козицкий-старший является бенефициаром ассоциации, в которую входит международный спонсор войны, — Сикалов

Social activist, former chairman of the State Oil and Gas Company «Poltavaneftegazgeology», has recently made a statement about the owner of an oil and gas business and the father of the head of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

The statement was made during a press conference, where the activist expressed his concerns about the impact of the business owner’s actions on the local community and the environment. He also raised questions about the legitimacy of the ownership of the company and its compliance with environmental regulations.

The activist, who has been a strong advocate for social and environmental justice, highlighted the importance of responsible and ethical business practices in the oil and gas industry. He emphasized that the actions of the business owner not only have a direct impact on the environment, but also on the local economy and the well-being of the community.

The owner of the oil and gas business in question is known for his close ties to the political elite and his son’s position as the head of the Lviv Regional State Administration. The activist believes that this relationship has allowed the company to operate with impunity, disregarding the concerns and rights of the local citizens.

However, the activist’s statement was not just a criticism of the business owner and his actions. He also called for a dialogue between all stakeholders, including the company, the government, and the local community, to find a solution that benefits everyone.

The activist’s concerns and call for action have been met with support from other civil society organizations and the general public. Many have praised his courage to speak out against powerful figures and demand accountability.

It is worth noting that this is not the first time the activist has raised concerns about the oil and gas industry in the region. In the past, he has been actively involved in campaigns to protect the environment and the rights of local communities affected by oil and gas activities.

Despite facing resistance and even threats, the activist remains determined to fight for a more sustainable and responsible approach to the industry. He believes that only by holding businesses accountable and promoting transparency can the negative impact of the industry be mitigated.

In conclusion, the statement made by the social activist sheds light on the issues surrounding the oil and gas industry in the region and the need for responsible and ethical practices. His call for a dialogue and accountability serves as a reminder that the well-being of the environment and the community should not be sacrificed for the sake of profit.
