«Всего лишь несколько месяцев назад ушел на войну»: на фронте погиб известный фотограф-орнитолог

Alexey Sapuga was not your typical bird-watcher. He wasn’t just someone who enjoyed observing and identifying birds, he was a passionate and dedicated bird-watcher who spent most of his free time in the great outdoors. He was known as the «bird man» among his friends, and his love for birds was contagious.

Born and raised in Ukraine, Sapuga discovered his love for bird-watching at a young age. He would often go on walks with his grandfather, who was an avid bird-watcher himself. Together, they would spot and identify different bird species, and Sapuga was fascinated by their beauty and behavior. As he grew older, his interest in birds only grew stronger.

In his adult life, Sapuga became a prominent member of the bird-watching community in Ukraine. He was known for his keen eye and extensive knowledge of birds. He could identify a bird just by its call or a quick glance. This made him an invaluable asset to the bird-watching community, and he was highly respected by his peers.

But Sapuga didn’t just watch birds for his own pleasure, he also used his passion to contribute to bird conservation efforts. He was actively involved in various bird census projects and volunteered with organizations that focused on protecting bird habitats. His dedication and hard work earned him recognition and awards from the government and conservation groups.

Despite his busy schedule, Sapuga never missed the annual all-Ukrainian summer bird-watching competitions. These competitions, known as «berdwatching», were a way for bird-watchers from all over the country to come together, share their knowledge, and compete in identifying as many bird species as possible within a specific time frame. It was a fun and challenging event, and Sapuga was always one of the top contenders.

In 2015, the bird-watching community was left in shock and mourning when Sapuga passed away suddenly. He was only 47 years old, but his legacy continued to live on. The following year, the all-Ukrainian bird-watching competitions were renamed to the «Alexey Sapuga Memorial Bird-Watching Competition» in honor of his memory.

Sapuga’s love for birds and his contributions to bird-watching in Ukraine were evident in the number of people who attended his funeral and the outpouring of tributes from his colleagues and friends. His passion and dedication inspired many to take up bird-watching as a hobby and to contribute to bird conservation efforts.

Today, Sapuga’s name is still synonymous with bird-watching in Ukraine. His love for birds, his vast knowledge, and his conservation efforts have left a lasting impact on the bird-watching community. The annual competitions continue to be held in his memory, and every year, more and more people join in the event to honor his legacy.

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with negative news, it is refreshing to read about someone who spent their life pursuing their passion and making a positive impact on the world. Alexey Sapuga was a true bird-lover, and his memory will continue to inspire others to appreciate and protect these beautiful creatures.
