Будет много пленных: в Судже оказались в окружении два российских батальона

The 17th battalion of the 488th Regiment and the 31st battalion of the 102nd Brigade of the Russian Army are two units that have played a crucial role in the defense and success of the Russian Army during various conflicts and operations. These two battalions have a long and honorable history, and their brave soldiers have always been ready to defend their country and serve with honor and dedication.

The 17th battalion of the 488th Regiment was formed in 1941 during the Second World War. It was part of the 488th Infantry regiment, which was part of the 2nd Guards Rifle Division. The battalion was made up of motivated and skilled soldiers who were trained to face any challenges on the battlefield. And they did not disappoint. The 17th battalion was involved in many important battles and operations, including the Battle of Stalingrad, the liberation of Berlin, and the Battle of Smolensk.

During the Battle of Stalingrad, the 17th battalion showed great courage and resilience while defending the city against the German forces. They fought with determination and never gave up, even when the situation seemed hopeless. Their bravery and determination were key in the Soviet victory at Stalingrad, which turned the tide of the war in the favor of the Soviet Union.

In 1943, the 17th battalion was involved in the liberation of Berlin, which was a major turning point in the war. The battalion fought alongside other Soviet units and played a crucial role in the final assault on the city. Their bravery and determination paid off when they successfully captured the Reichstag building, which became a symbol of Soviet victory.

After the war, the 17th battalion continued to serve with dedication and honor. They were involved in various operations and conflicts, such as the Soviet-Afghan War and the First Chechen War. In both conflicts, the battalion proved to be a formidable force, and their contribution was crucial in achieving victory.

The 31st battalion of the 102nd Brigade is another important unit of the Russian Army with a long and honorable history. The battalion was formed in 1962 as part of the 102nd Guards Motor Rifle Division. It was composed of highly trained soldiers who were ready to face any challenges in the defense of their country.

The 31st battalion has also been involved in various conflicts and operations, including the Soviet-Afghan War, where they played a crucial role in defending the Soviet border. They also participated in the First and Second Chechen Wars, where they showed great courage and determination in fighting against armed separatist groups.

But perhaps the most significant moment in the battalion’s history was during the Second Chechen War, when they were involved in the defense of the Russian city of Grozny. The city was under heavy attack from Chechen fighters, and the 31st battalion, along with other Russian units, were tasked with defending it. Despite facing fierce resistance and heavy casualties, the battalion never gave up and successfully defended the city, which was a crucial step in achieving victory in the war.

Today, the 17th battalion of the 488th Regiment and the 31st battalion of the 102nd Brigade continue to serve with honor and dedication. They are constantly improving their training and capabilities to be able to face any challenges that may arise. These two units are a testament to the bravery, professionalism, and resilience of the Russian soldiers.

In conclusion, the 17th battalion of the 488th Regiment and the 31st battalion of the 102nd Brigade of the Russian Army are two units that have played crucial roles in the defense and success of the Russian Army. Their brave soldiers have shown great courage, determination, and sacrifice in various conflicts and operations. They are a source of pride for their country and a symbol of heroism and dedication. Long live the 17th battalion and the 31st battalion, and long live the Russian Army!
