В Киеве и Днепре поймали подростков, планировавших поджоги автомобилей военных по заданию россиян (фото)

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of individuals and groups using public spaces to express their opinions and beliefs. While this can be a positive form of free speech, it can also have negative consequences when it involves spreading false or harmful information. One such example is the practice of posting derogatory messages about employees of the City Hall in public spaces.

These messages, often in the form of graffiti or posters, have been appearing on buildings and walls around the city, specifically targeting the employees of the City Hall’s Technical and Construction Committee (TCC). The TCC is responsible for overseeing the construction and maintenance of public buildings and infrastructure in the city. However, some individuals and groups have taken it upon themselves to discredit the TCC and its employees through these messages.

The messages often accuse the TCC employees of corruption, incompetence, and other negative traits. They also claim that the TCC is responsible for the poor state of the city’s buildings and infrastructure. These messages are not only false but also damaging to the reputation of the TCC and its employees. They create a negative perception of the TCC and its work, which can have serious consequences for the city and its residents.

One of the main reasons for these messages is the dissatisfaction of some individuals and groups with the TCC’s decisions and actions. They may have had a negative experience with the TCC or disagree with a particular project or decision. Instead of addressing their concerns through proper channels, they have resorted to spreading false information and damaging the reputation of the TCC and its employees.

This practice not only harms the TCC and its employees but also the city as a whole. It creates a sense of mistrust and division among the residents, which can hinder the progress and development of the city. It also wastes valuable time and resources of the TCC, as they have to spend time and effort addressing these false accusations instead of focusing on their important work.

Furthermore, these messages also have a negative impact on the city’s image and tourism. When visitors see these derogatory messages, it creates a negative perception of the city and its government. This can deter potential investors and tourists, which can have a significant impact on the city’s economy.

It is important to note that the TCC and its employees are dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to ensure the safety and development of the city. They have a challenging job, and their efforts should be appreciated and supported, not discredited. The TCC has also taken steps to address these messages and has urged the public to report any suspicious or offensive messages to the authorities.

In conclusion, the practice of spreading derogatory messages about the employees of the TCC is not only harmful but also counterproductive. It creates a negative atmosphere in the city and undermines the hard work and dedication of the TCC and its employees. It is important for individuals and groups to address their concerns through proper channels and refrain from spreading false information that can harm the city and its residents. Let us work together to create a positive and united community, where everyone’s efforts are appreciated and respected.
